Listen to yourself

Occasionally, answers come even without our explicit asking, even with a sense of urgency. More often than not, this may be interpreted as a warning.

I have experienced a feeling of fear, coming from within my chest, or rather, I believe is actually through my spiritual heart (which is also where the physical heart is located), more than once, each time prompting me not to take a particular action, when I was just about to do so.

The first time I felt this way I was genuinely puzzled and can see no reason why. I went ahead anyway and quickly found out why.

You see, this is exactly what I am talking about, the answer(which can take the form of a feeling) that comes without your thinking it, which may even puzzle you if you do think about it (after receiving the answer).

As a matter of fact, if you want to have any kind of success in your life, you should be listening to yourself. What it comes down to, there is nothing else you need to do except to listen to yourself, and act on the information you have received.

Listen to yourself most of the time if not all the time but definitely listen when it feels urgent. The feeling is unmistakable.

(Don't want to read? Listen instead).

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