Listen to yourself

Occasionally, answers come even without our explicit asking, even with a sense of urgency. More often than not, this may be interpreted as a warning.

I have experienced a feeling of fear, coming from within my chest, or rather, I believe is actually through my spiritual heart (which is also where the physical heart is located), more than once, each time prompting me not to take a particular action, when I was just about to do so.

The first time I felt this way I was genuinely puzzled and can see no reason why. I went ahead anyway and quickly found out why.

You see, this is exactly what I am talking about, the answer(which can take the form of a feeling) that comes without your thinking it, which may even puzzle you if you do think about it (after receiving the answer).

As a matter of fact, if you want to have any kind of success in your life, you should be listening to yourself. What it comes down to, there is nothing else you need to do except to listen to yourself, and act on the information you have received.

Listen to yourself most of the time if not all the time but definitely listen when it feels urgent. The feeling is unmistakable.

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Ask yourself

Perhaps the most important lesson I have learnt (and am still learning) in life is to listen to myself. And if I can't hear it, I have learnt to ask myself and wait for the answer.

Whatever I need, I know is already within me, I need only access it.

I have found out for myself that the answer that comes without my thinking it is the most accurate. Sometimes, the answer to my question comes almost instantaneously.

Another way is to submit a question just before I sleep. The answer comes upon my waking up. For me, this method works well with a 'yes' or 'no' answer.

It is really quite simple - submit a question and allow the answer to come through. Do not block this process by dwelling on it. Our part is only to ask and then act on the information we receive.
In a nutshell :

1. Submit
2. Receive
3. Act

And with that, we can move on in the business called life.

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John's Who's who list

Who belong to John's who's who list, and what have they to say of John?

"John Harricharan leads us along the enchanted path of enlightenment with magic, charm, love and compassion."
--Dr. Deepak Chopra

"John Harricharan inspires you, motivates you and teaches you. He's fantastic, absolutely fantastic. Listen to what he says."
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D & bestselling author

"John is one of the most remarkable people I've ever met. His books, his lectures, his messages are all filled with practical and helpful tools that are also easy to use. I've valued his advice over the years and am grateful for his friendship."
--Foster Hibbard, President, Motivational Dynamics, Inc. ( former associate of the late, Dr. Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich")

"John, your site has the calm and quiet of still forest glades, of ancient holy places. This essence, this gentle peace, is the spirit you have somehow embodied here. You have taken what appears at first just another house of page-views and crafted it into a chapel of electrons, a refuge where business and other travelers can pause and recharge spiritually. Today's fast-forward world offers so few havens for re-centering ourselves or for re-grounding our spiritual energies. Thanks so much for making this site, John. Its quiet impact will soothe every soul who pauses here."
Charles Burke - Author of "Inside the Minds of Winners"

"John Harricharan has a unique manner of helping people find their own way. His practical, down-to-earth, spiritual wisdom creates hope in your heart and a sense that things will get better. "
-- Robert "Butch" James, CEO, KDM Corporation

"John Harricharan is one of the most extraordinary people I've come in contact with. His mountain size heart and spirit will move you to higher levels of living immediately."
Mike Litman
#1 Best-Selling co-author
Conversations with Millionaires

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Morning Has Been All Night Coming

An excerpt from the introduction by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. & bestselling author:

John Harricharan’s new book takes off where 'When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat', leaves off.

In a sense, it’s a continuation of the first book, although either one could be read independently of the other. When you read it, you’ll love the style.

You will see the ordinary life of an average man who becomes a widower and tries to raise two children by himself. He worries about making a living, taking care of the two children, and still has time, in a way, to grow spiritually and emotionally.

An excerpt from the preface by John Harricharan :

But sometimes, there is a high price to be paid for this growth and understanding— tears in the night, fears and guilt lurking in dark corners and the constant pressures of everyday living. This is where we face our greatest battles — regretting the past and fearing the future. This is, also, where we can attain our greatest victories — living in the present.

We are never alone, even though all our senses may be testifying to this “fact,” and crying out in pain; even though it appears that hope has died and all we held dear has been blown to the winds.

There is a Presence and a Power, there is a purpose and a plan and if we keep on keeping on, we shall finally prevail.

How to get this book:

This book is included within the Power Pause package.

Learn more about Power Pause 3 minute 3 step formula.

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Journey in the Fields of Forever

An excerpt from the introduction by John Harricharan:

Why do roadblocks always appear at the most inopportune moment? Where is help when we are down in the arena and boots are on our necks? Why am I here and where am I going? Will I ever again see my loved ones who have died? And so it goes . . . on and on.

...But such uncertainties are not new...

What we must do is reinterpret the way we look at the world. Perhaps, then, we may find that life is biased on the side of good, that difficulties have a way of passing...

With new meaning and understanding, we will find the world to be a much friendlier place, our home away from home. Then will we be able to stand calm when the lightning strikes, to be patient in the midst of the storm and to be centered in the midst of chaos.

All roads lead home. May you enjoy the adventures in the Fields of Forever.

How to get this book:

This book is included within the Power Pause package.

Learn more about Power Pause 3 minute 3 step formula.

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